
Volleyball Never Stops! Blazers Coach Plays 🏐

Blazers Coach plays volleyball together with the hong kongers volleyball players. Aside from her busy schedules she sees to it to still play the game she loved most. Eat. Sleep. Volleyball.βœ”οΈπŸ’―πŸ’šπŸπŸ™‚

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Super 1-Day-League of The Blazers Team

It was indeed a super 1-day-league that the Blazers Team had joined yesterday. The majority of the team members are there to meet and compete in the tournament. Win or lose, for the Blazers Team, it is always a big win! Why? Even though we did not grab the title of champion, still all team members gave their very best to win and at the end, all is happy and another form of bonding arose.

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