
Happy New Year 2021 with the Lady Blazers

A blessed Happy New Year 2021 with the Blazers Volleyball Team Hong Kong! We should still continue to fight together with this shit COVID-19 pandemic. Hoping to get rid of this shit soon… very soon…

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Blazers Team Sunday Hang Out

It is a super hang out indeed with the Blazers Volleyball Team in Victoria Park, Hong Kong. Everyone is there and had food sharing, practiced volleyball to enhance the skills, and of course, wine and beers are always present to cheer up everyone!

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Volleyball Never Stops! Blazers Coach Plays 🏐

Blazers Coach plays volleyball together with the hong kongers volleyball players. Aside from her busy schedules she sees to it to still play the game she loved most. Eat. Sleep. Volleyball.βœ”οΈπŸ’―πŸ’šπŸπŸ™‚

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