
Call Your Family

A pleasant good morning to all the Blazers volleyball team members. All of us are still here in Hong Kong for work purpose and this COVID-19 shit virus is still out there killing people worldwide. I do encourage you to have even a short call today to your family, relatives, sons, daughters, and friends in the Philippines, our beloved country which is also affected by this shit COVID-19 virus. Please do call them either via phone call, Whatsapp, Skype, or via Facebook Messenger to greet them and to confirm if they are all safe and have an adequate supply of food and water to survive. The Philippines is still in lockdown status and only 1 person can go outside to buy basic needs.

Honestly, our situation here in Hong Kong is much safer compared to the Philippines, so please give your family a short call or video call to give them hope and make them smile because we don’t know when this shit COVID-19 will hit us. Love your family to the fullest you can be. Your family is your rock, strength, source of inspiration, and most important of all, your family is your LOVE & LIFE why you are still waking up every morning. Thank you, Heavenly Father, for giving us all a new day and a new life. You are our Savior and Protector. Please do help all people around the world and save them all from this COVID-19 virus. We do believe and trust you our Lord.

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